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Misc. SS Attachments, IPCs & Stuff

T3604 Pencil Sharpener

Pencil Sharpener
This Dual Sharpener with Eight (8) and Eleven (11) mm Openings is the Perfect Tool for Sharpening Pencils of Various Sizes. The Aluminum Alloy Frame Can Be Easily Cleaned While the Stainless Steel Blades Allow for Precise Sharpening

Weldable Buccal Tubes-Convertible

Weldable MIM Buccal Tubes- Convertible

#WT8125   .022 Rectangle Tube Slot        with      .051" Round Tube Diameter       Elastic Hooks

Right & Left

Upper Right/Lower Left          Upper Left/Lower Right  Placement


Weldable Molar Bracket/Tube

Weldable MIM Molar Bracket/Tube - Convertible

#WT8121       .022 Convertible Slot      Bracket Wings for Ligation  plus with Hook for Elastics

Right & Left

Upper Right/Lower Left       Upper Left/Lower Right  Placement

Weldable Brackets - UPPER Anterior

UPPER ANTERIOR Weldable Brackets:

#WB2020-34      022 Regular Slot  Zero Torque - Zero Angle

3.3mm Wide  Use on Upper Right or Upper Left

Laterals and Centrals   10 Pk

 Weldable Brackets - LOWER Anterior

LOWER ANTERIOR Weldable Brackets:

#WB2020-05      022 Regular Slot  Zero Torque - Zero Angle

2.1 mm Wide  Use on Lower Right or Lower Left - Beveled Incisal edge

Laterals and Centrals   10 Pk

Weldable Brackets - Cuspids & Bicuspids


#WB2028-34       022 Regular Slot  Zero Torque - Zero Angle

3.3mm Wide  Use on Upper Right or Upper Left  Cuspids and Bicuspids   10 Pk

MIM Premium Head Gear Tubes -045

Premium 045 Facebow/Headgear Tubes
Manugactured with Metal Injection Moulding Technology.  2 Pk 

#AA761-45      Purchase only what you need

MIM Premium Head Gear Tubes -051

Premium 051 Facebow/Headgear Tubes
Manugactured with Metal Injection Moulding Technology.  2 Pk

#AA761-51        Purchase only what you need

Weldable Horizontal Removeable Sheaths 036

036 MIM Weldable Horizontal Removable Lingual Sheaths 

5 Sheaths - Right Hook   and    5 Sheaths - Left Hook  

10 Piece Kit

Weldable Vertical Removeable Sheaths 036

036  VERTICAL Removable Lingual Sheaths  with hooks

5 Sheaths - Right Hook   and    5 Sheaths - Left Hook  

10 Piece Kit

T3604 Pencil Sharpener

Pencil Sharpener
This Dual Sharpener with Eight (8) and Eleven (11) mm Openings is the Perfect Tool for Sharpening Pencils of Various Sizes. The Aluminum Alloy Frame Can Be Easily Cleaned While the Stainless Steel Blades Allow for Precise Sharpening

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